Saturday, December 14, 2013

Seventeen Days

I have something to tell you.

I am really, truly, freaking the hell out right now.

Back in January, when I first started this project, I would lay awake at night, my heart thumping, worried about the blog. I was freaking out about whether or not I could really watch all of Star Trek in a year. Whether doing so would jeopardize my other projects. Whether I would be able to come up with enough stuff to write about. Whether what I'd already written was any good.

Now, it's December 14th. Now, I'm going to bed and the same thing is happening but not for the same reasons. Now, I go to bed and my heart starts thumping and it's all because I'm so terribly, terribly sad for it to be over. I find myself not wanting to watch episodes--as if that would prolong the year. I find myself not wanting to write posts--as if doing so will somehow stop the project and the month and freeze everything in time. I realize, as I think these thoughts, that all of this is impossible. I have to get up and I have to watch four episodes and I have to write the posts and I have to say goodbye to 2013.

I realize that I'm going to keep up with this blog next year. I know that I have all of Star Trek lined up on my Netflix. I realize that the show will exist forever and I can write posts about whatever episode or character or trope I want at any time. But that doesn't change the fact that 2013 is seventeen days away from being over. And, after such an amazing, crazy, ridiculous year I don't want any part of it to be finished.


  1. Time marches on. But at least Star Trek will always be there for you.

  2. Wow, 17 days. Oh wait, only 15 now. I don't recall the exact date I found you, but it was early on in the year. I'm having trouble believing it's almost over! I've been formulating my thoughts on what all this has meant to me. It's a work still very much in progress. For now, let me just say that I'm so glad to hear that you plan to keep going. I'll be here as long as you are.


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